Edge Hands-Free Sanitizing Dispenser
Outdoor model MD-01
Stainless Steel Construction
Height: 980mm
Diameter: 100mm
Packaging: PP bag & 5 layer carton box
Hand Sanitizer Holder (1000ml storage)
Anti-Slip Pedal
Battery Operated Sensor For Hand Wash Dispenser
The Importance Of Hand Sanitizer Placement
Throughout any given workday, employees use their hands to write up a report, shake hands with a new client, open doors and much more. All of these activities expose hands to harmful germs and bacteria. Illness is linked to productivity loss, costing employers $225.8 billion annually in the U.S. Considering that 80 percent of all infections are transmitted by hands, it’s crucial to implement an effective hand hygiene program.
Americans spend more time Monday through Friday at the workplace than anywhere else, including their home. Additionally, 90 percent of office workers will come to work even when they are sick, in part due to an ever-growing workload. This makes the workplace a hotbed for germs and bacteria. Every year, the flu costs businesses $10.4 billion in direct costs for hospitalizations and outpatient visits for adults, according to the CDC.
The Good News
Proper hand hygiene compliance can reduce absenteeism and associated costs by 40 percent. While washing hands with soap and water is the best way to ensure hands are properly washed and rid of germs, it isn’t always a viable option. However, there is a simple solution: hand sanitizer. According to the World Health Organization (WHO) and the CDC, hand sanitizer is one of the best tools available to avoid getting sick and spreading germs. By placing hand sanitizer in strategic locations, and other high traffic areas, you can encourage general public to improve their hand hygiene and make the office and public areas a healthier environment.
Key Locations For Hand Sanitizer
Organizations that encourage regular use of hand sanitizer tend to have healthier workers. A study featured in BMC Infectious Diseases found that office workers who were encouraged to use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer at least five times each workday were about two-thirds less likely to get sick than those who continued to just wash their hands.
A 2015 survey found that while 92 percent of Americans believe it’s important to wash their hands after using a public restroom, only 66 percent of them follow through. Over a third of survey respondents admitted to skipping soap and rinsing with water. This makes it extra important to provide hand sanitizer in the restroom. If employees are in a rush and don’t think to stop and rinse with soap and water, providing a backup option near sinks and at the doors ensures germs don’t escape the restroom.
The best way to remind employees and general public to use hand sanitizer is by making it easily accessible and always within sight. It’s important to place hand sanitizer near and around high-touch surfaces and communal areas, including:
- Entrances and exits. A single doorknob could potentially be the cause of a widespread illness in the workplace. In fact, new researchshowed that a within two to four hours, a virus placed on a doorknob was picked up by 40 to 60 percent of workers and visitors within thefacility. In addition to frequently disinfecting doorknobs, light switches and other high-touch surfaces within the workplace, make sure toalso provide a hand sanitizing station nearby to limit the spread of infection.
- Cafeterias, food courts and break rooms, and if food is consumed with germ-ridden hands, it’s easy to digest the germs and becomeinfected with several diseases. One of the hotspots for germs in an office is the break-room and kitchen, according to an NSF Internationalstudy. Although hand sanitizer is not a replacement for anyone who prepares food, it can help eliminate certain germs.
- High traffic areas. Providing hand sanitizer outside of the office is also important. High-traffic areas like transportation terminals, mallhallways and recreational centers should offer hand hygiene stations to ensure visitors stay as healthy as possible. Not only does this keephigh-traffic areas clean, it also helps improve the image of the city.
Covid-19 Pandemic
Government advising us to keep our hands cleaned.
Coronavirus is a respiratory illness, meaning it is mostly spread through virus-laden droplets from coughs and sneezes. If you don’t catch your coughs and sneezes in a tissue and safely dispose of it, the virus can end up on surfaces. If someone else touches that contaminated surface, the virus can transfer onto their hand.
If you have the virus on your hands, you can infect yourself by touching your eyes, mouth or nose. You might think that you don’t touch your face very often, but it’s much more than you realise. A 2015 study found that people touch their faces an average of 23 times an hour.
While washing your hands is useful in preventing yourself from getting infected, this is not the main reason the Government recommends it.
“It’s all about stopping the spread,” says Sally Bloomfield, honorary professor at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. “When it comes to stopping the spread of the serious infection in this country, the public have a huge role to play.”
Why Is It So Important To Stop The Spread Of Coronavirus?
For most people, coronavirus is not a particularly dangerous illness.
“Most of us will only get something that’s really quite mild, what feels like very mild flu, and will recover,” Bloomfield explains. “But the problem is, whilst we’re infected, we are passing it on to other people.”
Hand-washing is remarkably powerful at slowing down the spread of flu-like viruses, as mathematician Hannah Fry showed in this simulation generated for the documentary BBC Pandemic.
What slowing the spread can achieve is sometimes referred to as ‘flattening the curve’. That is, the number of cases will rise to a peak, and then drop off again.
Selecting The Right Hand Sanitizer
While providing hand sanitizer at key locations throughout the workplace and public areas are essential to combating employee and general public on illness and absenteeism, it works best to provide the right type of sanitizer. Make sure to use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer that contains at least 70 percent alcohol. The higher alcohol percentage will usually translate into higher efficacy.
Why You Shouldn’t Make Your Own Hand Sanitizer
The rapid spread of COVID-19 has people clearing out shelves of hand sanitizer across the globe.
The shortages and buying limits have spurred people to make their own hand sanitizer using recipes from Twitter, Reddit, Pinterest, countless blogs and even a pharmacy. But just because these recipes exist doesn’t mean you should follow them.
Reasons to NOT make your own hand sanitizer.
First, the Centers of Disease Control recommends washing your hands over using hand sanitizer, unless you don’t have access to soap and water. Second, the FDA has said that it knows people are making DIY hand sanitizer at home, but that it doesn’t have any “verifiable information on the methods being used to prepare such products and whether they are safe for use on human skin.”
Lastly, experts caution that making homemade hand sanitizer is harder than it seems. If you don’t get the concentration right, experts warn that you’ll end up with something that isn’t effective or is too harsh, and is a waste of ingredients.